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Why are my cat's eyes red?

Why are my cat's eyes red?

Injury, disease, infections, and other factors can contribute to red eye in cats. In this post, our Yucaipa veterinarians discuss each of these in detail, how these conditions are diagnosed, and which treatment options exist.  

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Cataract Surgery for Dogs

Cataract Surgery for Dogs

Cataracts obstruct light from reaching your dog's retina, resulting in blurred vision and, eventually, blindness. Our Yucaipa vets explain the causes and symptoms of cataracts in dogs, as well as the surgery used for the removal of cataracts in dogs, in today's blog.

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The Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Cats & Dogs

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Cats & Dogs

As pet owners, we strive to provide the best possible care for our beloved animals. In this post, our Yucaipa vets will discuss the value of regular eye exams for pets and how to tell if your dog or cat has vision problems.

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Limping in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Limping in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

One of the most common reasons our Yucaipa vets see dogs at our animal hospital is for them to be limping. Today, our veterinarians discuss the causes of limping in dogs, what you can do to help your limping dog, and when it's time to see a vet in today's post.

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Symptoms of Parvovirus in Cats

Symptoms of Parvovirus in Cats

There's nothing scarier for a pet parent than when your cat is sick. This is especially true if they contract a life-threatening illness such as parvo. Our Yucaipa vets share facts about parvovirus and how you can keep your cat safe.

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Stomatitis in Cats

Stomatitis in Cats

Stomatitis is a severe form of gum disease that could cause your cat quite a bit of pain. Our Yucaipa vets explain the potential causes of stomatitis, how to recognize it in your kitty, and how to get it treated.

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Can cats eat chocolate?

Can cats eat chocolate?

While most of us have heard that chocolate is bad for dogs, we don't usually hear much about it when it comes to our feline friends. So, is chocolate bad for cats? Today, our vets in Yucaipa discuss chocolate toxicity in cats, the serious symptoms that can occur when a cat eats chocolate, and what you can do to avoid it.

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Weight Loss in Senior Dogs

Weight Loss in Senior Dogs

While we are normally concerned with our dogs becoming overweight, as they become older senior dogs some canines start to lose weight. Here, Our Yucaipa vets discuss weight loss in a senior dog and when you should be concerned.

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Anesthesia for Dogs

Anesthesia for Dogs

Most dogs are given anesthesia when they are spayed or neutered, and the majority of them will require it at least once throughout their lives. Our four-legged pets, like us, may require anesthesia as part of a surgery or procedure. Today, our Yucaipa vets discuss what you should know about anesthesia for dogs.

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PU Surgery in Cats

PU Surgery in Cats

Occasionally, cats may experience the symptoms of a urinary blockage. These blockages can be life-threatening if not treated immediately, and a perineal urethrostomy may be the key. In today's post, our Yucaipa vets talk about what perineal urethrostomy surgery is and what to expect from it.

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New Patients Welcome

Green Valley Veterinary Clinic is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Yucaipa companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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